Student and Young Presenters’ Best Paper Awards

The Daoma and Murray Strasberg fellowship

2023 – John H. Ragland

2024 – Mark Goldwater

TC Acoustical Oceanography Student Travel Award (also known as The Eileen and Herman Medwin Award)

Session 184 Spring 2023, Chicago IL

Rachel Kahn

Student and Young Presenters’ Best Paper Awards

Several ASA Technical Committees offer Best Paper Awards to students who present papers at Society meetings. If you would like your paper to be considered for an award, you must indicate this when you submit your abstract. The application is made through the normal abstract submission process for ASA meetings.

Session 184, Spring 2023, Chicago IL

Ryan Saenger, First place, Title: Mid-frequency acoustic localization of breaking waves

Rachel Kahn, Second place, Title: Broadband attenuation-based measurements of bubble size distributions

Session 183, Fall 2022, Nashville TN

Emmanuelle Cook, First place, Title: Determining the speed dependent source level of a snowmobile traveling on sea-ice

Natalie Kukshtel, Second place, Title: Sound propagation measurements using an autonomous underwater vehicle acoustic array in the New England Shelf Break Acoustics network

Session 182, Spring 2022, Denver CO

Benjamin David Grassian, First place, Title: High resolution measurements of the epi- and mesopelagic ocean by a profiling vehicle equipped with environmental sensors and a broadband echosounder

Yawen Zhang, Second place, Title: Spatio-temporal contrastive learning for acoustic data

Session 181, Fall 2021, Seattle WA

Brendan Smith, First place, Tile: Passive acoustic monitoring of hydrothermal vents at the endeavour hydrothermal vent field 

Elizabeth Weidner, Second place, Title: Predictions of acoustic backscattering from oceanic stratification interfaces

Session 180, Spring 2021 Virtual

No awards

Session 179, Fall 2020 Virtual

No awards

Session 178, Fall 2019 San Diego

Elizabeth Weidner, First place, Title: Tracking the spatiotemporal variability of the oxic-anoxic interface in the Baltic Sea with broadband acoustics

Jen Gruber, Second place, Title: Measurement of acoustic backscattering from rocky outcrops in Monterey Bay

Session 177, Spring 2019 Lousiville

Luis Donoso,  First place,  Title: Low frequency acoustical scattering from dynamic schools of swim bladder fish

Athanasios G Athanassiadis, Second Place, Title: The sound of light: Towards ocean acoustic sensing with an optical breakdown transducer.

Session 176, Fall 2018 —Victoria

  • Elizabeth Weidner, First Place, Title: Broadband acoustic observations of individual naturally occurring hydrate-coated bubbles in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Emma Reeves Ozanich, Second Place, Title: Ocean acoustic range estimation in noisy environments using convolutional networks

Session 175, Spring 2018 —Minneapolis

  • Josée Delcourt, First Place, Title: Gradient-based Bayesian geoacoustic inversion for sediment properties at the New England mud patch
  • Elisabeth Brown, Second Place (tie), Title: Implications from a clay/silt suspension model of mud for data from the Seabed Characterization Experiment
  • Matthew Zeh, Second Place (tie), Title: Acoustical characteristics and contributions of bubbles released from melting glacier ice

Session 174, Fall 2017 —New Orleans

  • Elizabeth Weidner, First Place, Title: Investigating bubble transport and fate in the water column with calibrated broadband split-beam echo sounder data
  • Jay Johnson, Second Place, Variations in Ultrasonic Transmission Behavior Along Seagrass Leaf Blades

Session 173, Spring 2017 —Boston

  • Jenna Hare, First Place, Title: Sound speed and attenuation in water-saturated granular materials at MHz frequencies
  • Elisabeth Brown, Second Place (tie), Title: Influence of sand/silt particle size distributions on compressional wave attenuation in marine mud sediments
  •  Genevieve Flaspohler, Second Place (tie), Title: A convolutional neural network based approach for classifying delphinidae vocal repertoire

Session 172, Fall 2016 —Honolulu

  • Matthew Zeh, First Place, Title: Acoustic scattering by tube-building worms (Polychaeta: Maldanidae) of the New England Mud Patch

  • Kai-Fu Chang, Second Place, Title: Simulation study of moving ship tomography for mapping the current wakes of Green Island southeast of Taiwan

Session 171, Spring 2016 —Salt Lake City

  • Scott Loranger, First Place, Title: An evaluation of the frequency response of hydrocarbon droplets

  • Jacquelyn S. Kubicko, Second Place (tie), Title: Passive ocean acoustic tomography using ships as sources of opportunity recorded on an irregularly spaced free-floating array: A feasibility study

  • Graham A. Warner, Second Place (tie), Title: Time-difference-of-arrival localization of bowhead whales using asynchronous recorders

Session 170, Fall 2015 —Jacksonville

  • Katherine Wolfe, First Place, Title: Optimized extraction of coherent arrivals from ambient noise correlations in a rapidly fluctuating medium, with an application to passive acoustic tomography
  • Graham Warner, Second Place, Title: Environmental inversion using bowhead whale calls in the Chukchi Sea

Session 169, Spring 2015 —Pittsburgh

  • Christopher Norton, Laboratory and field measurements of Rayleigh waves

Session 168, Fall 2014 —Indianapolis

  • Erin Fischel, First Place (joint AO-UW), Title: Mapping bistatic scattering from spherical and cylindrical targets using an autonomous underwater vehicle in BAYEX’14 experiment

  • Katherine Wolfe, Second Place (joint AO-UW), Title: Feasibility of low-frequency acoustic thermometry using deep ocean ambient noise in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

Session 167, Spring 2014 —Providence

  • Craig Dolder, First Prize Winner Title: Extracting effective medium properties for fish schools from resonator and free-field measurements
  • Adaleena Mookerjee, Second Prize Winner Title: Comparison of near-field acoustic coherent backscattering simulations with optics theory and experiments

Session 166, Fall 2013 —San Francisco

  • Erin Fischell, First Prize Winner Title: Supervised machine learning for estimation of rough bottom anisotropy direction using bistatic acoustic scattered fields
  • Sean Walstead, Second Prize Winner Title: Surface wave shape inversion from forward scattered ocean acoustic data

Session 165, Spring 2013 — Montreal

  • Florian Aulanier, First Prize Winner Title: Time-angle ocean acoustic tomography using sensitivity kernels: Numerical and experimental inversion results
  • Kevin Jerram, Second Prize Winner Title: Observing natural methane seep variability in the northern Gulf of Mexico with an 18-kilohertz split-beam scientific echosounder

Session 164, Fall 2012 — Kansas City

  • Sean Walstead, First Prize Winner Title: Reconstructing surface wave profiles from reflected acoustic pulses
  • Wu-Jung Lee, First Prize Winner Title: Estimating numerical density of scatterers in monotype aggregations using the statistics of broadband echoes: Applications to fish echoes

Session 161, Spring 2011 — San Diego

  • Adam Metzler, First Prize Winner Title: Seismo-acoustic propagation effects at the seafloor with applications to geoacoustic inversion using hybrid parabolic equation solutions.
  • James Traer, Second Prize Winner Title: Coherent averaging of the passive fathometer response using short correlation time

Session 160, Fall 2010 — Cancun, Mexico

  • James Traer, First Prize Winner Title: Ocean bottom profiling with ambient noise: A model for the passive fathometer.
  • David Barclay, Second Prize Winner Title: Ambient noise in the Mariana Trench

Session 159, Spring 2010 — Baltimore, MD

  • Jorge Quijano, First Prize Winner Title: Tank experiments for validation of volume scattering models
  • Jit Sarkar, Second Prize Winner Title: Inverting for surface displacement fields using directly measured point-to-point sensitivity kernels

Session 158, Fall 2009 — San Antonio, TX

  • Joseph Senne, First Prize Winner Title: Measurement and modeling of high frequency acoustic channels for a moving source in shallow water
  • Lora Van Uffelen, Second Prize Winner Title: Characterization of deep acoustic shadow zone arrivals

Session 157, Spring 2009 — Portland, OR

  • Megan Ballard, First Prize Winner Title: Inversion for range dependent water column sound speed profiles in shallow water
  • Duong Duy Tran, Second Prize Winner(tie) Title: Atlantic herring low frequency target strength estimation from ocean acoustics wageguide
  • Wu-Jung Lee, Second Prize Winner (tie) Title: Broadband acoustic backscattering from live squid: Experiment and analysis


Session 153, Spring 2007 — Salt Lake City, UT

  • Kevin Cockrell, First Prize Winner Title: A proposed technique for source localization using an autonomous underwater vehicle
  • Jan Dettmer, Second Prize Winner Title: Bayesian full-wavefield reflection coefficient inversion and uncertainty estimation


Session 152, Fall 2006 — Honolulu, HI

  • Paul Roberts, First Prize Winner Title: Multiple-angle acoustic scattering and classification of zooplankton
  • Tadanori Fujino, Second Prize Winner Title: Target strength of a mesopelagic fish Maurolicus japonicus at 38 and 120 kHz

 Session 151, Spring 2006 — Providence, RI

  • Matthias Meyer, First Prize Winner Title: Adjoint approach to the physical characterization of a shallow water environment
  • Jason Holmes, Second Prize Winner Title: Low frequency sound reflection and conversion to Darcytype diffusion waves at bottom interfaces with marine sediments

 Session 150, Fall 2005 — Minneapolis, MN

  • Morley, Michael G., First Prize Winner Title: Estimating geoacoustic properties of marine sediments by matched field inversion using ship noise as a sound source. (1pAO5)
  • Oswald, Julie N., Second Prize Winner Title: A new tool for real-time acoustic species identification of delphinid whistles. (2pAO7)

 Session 149, Spring 2005 — Vancouver, BC 

  • Srinivasan Jagannathan (MIT), First Prize Winner. Title: Could animals detect the approaching tsunami? (1pAOb2)
  • Ben Biffard (University of Victoria), Second Prize Winner. Title: Single beam echo sounding: considerations of depth and sea bed slope (2pAO3).

 Session 148, Fall 2004 — San Diego, CA

  • Eric Giddens, First Prize Winner. Title: Geoacoustic inversions in shallow water using Doppler shifted modes from a moving source. (3aAO6)
  • Erica Summers-Morris, Second Prize Winner. Title: Geographical information systems (GIS) analysis of high-resolution multibeam bathymetry and remotely operated vehicle data to model rockfish habitat preference. (1pAOa1)

 Session 147, Spring 2004 — New York, NY

  • Joshua Wilson (MIT), First Prize Winner. Title: Experimental demonstration of accurate hurricane classification from local wind speed estimates obtained with underwater sound.
  • Cristina Tollefsen (Memorial University), Second Prize Winner. Title: Sources of uncertainty in Doppler sonar measurements of fish speed.

 Session 146, Fall 2003 — Austin, TX

  • Deanelle Symonds (MIT), First Prize Winner. Title: Fish schools are the dominant cause of long-range active sonar clutter in the New Jersey continental shelf: Quantitative correlations.
  • Ioannis Bertsatos (MIT), Second Prize Winner. Title: Optimally resolving Lambertian surface orientation.

 Session 145, Spring 2003 — Nashville, TN 

  • Kelley Benoit-Bird (Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology), First Prize Winner. Title: Target strength and density structure of Hawaiian mesopelagic boundary community patches (Paper 3aA09)
  • Mark Fallat (SACLANT Undersea research Center), Second Prize Winner. Title: Geoacoustic characterization of a range dependent environment using towed array data. (Paper 2pA05)

Information on ASA Technical Committees’ Best Paper Awards


 Committees Offering Best Student Paper Awards: 

Acoustical Oceanography
Animal Bioacoustics
Biomedical Ultrasound / Bioresponse to Vibration
Engineering Acoustics
Musical Acoustics
Physical Acoustics
Speech Communication
Structural Acoustics and Vibration
Underwater Acoustics

 Award Amounts: 

Each of the Technical Committees listed above can provide two awards to students presenting papers in their specific sessions.

The awarded amounts are:

  • $300 for first prize
  • $200 for second prize


To qualify for these awards, an author must:

  • Be a student enrolled at least a half-time in a recognized university or college. Graduates are eligible if the work being presented was performed as a student within one year of the meeting. Please note that you do not need to be a member of the ASA to qualify.
  • Be listed as the first author on the submitted abstract.
  • Present the paper at the meeting.
  • Submit a copy of the presentation. Presentation materials or a written text must be provided to the copy center at the meeting, unless the paper is presented in a poster session (except for entries in Speech Communication and Underwater Acoustics).


Award winners will be selected by a subcommittee of each award granting Technical Committee.

Selection will be based upon the quality of both the paper’s content and its presentation.

The awards will be announced either at the meeting of the Technical Committee or after the close of the meeting.



All applicants wishing be considered for these awards must indicate their intention by putting the following statement at the bottom of their submitted abstract:

For (name of appropriate Technical Committee) Best Student Paper Award.