Martin Siderius
Chair, Acoustical Oceanography Technical Committee
Term 2010-2013
Prior to his faculty appointment at the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science at Portland State University in 2008, Dr. Siderius was Vice-President and Principal Scientist at HLS Research Inc., a startup company he co-founded in 2004. HLS Research is dedicated to applied and basic research on wave-propagation phenomena. Prior to that, Dr. Siderius spent three years as a Senior Scientist at the Science Applications International Corporation between 2001-2004. From 1996-2001 he was on the scientific staff of the NATO Undersea Research Centre in La Spezia, Italy. He has a B.S. degree in physics from Western Washington University and M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Washington.
Dr. Siderius’s current research interests include remote sensing and inversion methods, exploiting ocean noise for seabed imaging, characterizing the effects of sonar systems on marine life, detection and localization of marine mammals and other underwater targets, underwater acoustic communications and environmentally adaptive signal processing. He is currently the co-director of the Northwest Electromagnetics and Acoustics Research lab (NEAR-Lab) at Portland State University.
Ph.D. 1996, Electrical Engineering, University of Washington
M.S. 1992, Electrical Engineering, University of Washington
B.S. 1986, Physics, Western Washington University
Mailing Address:
ECE Department
Portland State University
Post Office Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Former Chairs:
Grant Deane, Term 2019-2022 Background
John Colosi, Term 2016-2019 Background
Andone Lavery, Term 2013-2016 Background
Martin Siderius, Term 2010-2013 Background
James H. Miller, Term 2007 – 2010 Background
N. Ross Chapman, Term 2004 – 2007
Peter F. Worcester, Term 2001 – 2004
James F. Lynch, Term 1998 – 2001
Michael J. Buckingham, Term 1992 – 1995
Herman Medwin, Term 1989 – 1992

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